Watch A Perfect Getaway (2009) Online Free Streaming
Watch A Perfect Getaway (2009) Online Free Movie Download

- Title: A Perfect Getaway
- Year: 2009
- Duration: 1h 38m
- Rating: 6.5
- Genres: Drama, Thriller, Mystery
Summary A Perfect Getaway (2009)
Two pairs of lovers on a Hawaiian vacation discover that psychopaths are stalking and murdering tourists on the islands.
For their honeymoon, newlyweds Cliff and Cydney head to the tropical islands of Hawaii. While journeying through the paradisaical countryside the couple encounters Kale and Cleo, two disgruntled hitchhikers and Nick and Gina, two wild but well-meaning spirits who help guide them through the lush jungles. The picturesque waterfalls and scenic mountainsides quickly give way to terror when Cliff and Cydney learn of a grisly murder that occurred nearby and realize that they're being followed by chance acquaintances that suspiciously fit the description of the killers.
On Hawaiian honeymoon, Hollywood Screenwriter Cliff Anderson and his bride Cydney go from Honolulu to pristine island Kaua'i for an adventurous hike in the nature reserve, for which Cliff forgets his permit in the supply store. Reluctance to give macho Kale and his girl Cleo a ride creates tension that remains when they meet on the trail, with a third couple taking the lead: studly special forces Irak veteran Nick, who even hunts wild goats, and his equally exhibitionist steady girl Gina. Receiving the news that a serial killer who murdered a couple on Oahu probably passed to the island, as they did, starts the couples mistrusting each-other. Furthermore they seem to be followed by mystery stalkers, as turns out of two kinds. After the battle of whit, a bloody struggle for survival is inevitable: the killer is among them and strikes, despite a police helicopter searching for him.
Newlywed Hollywood Screenwriter Cliff Anderson and his wife, Cydney, head off to Hawaii for their honey-moon. After obtaining permits they drive a rented car and encounter hostile hitch-hikers, Cleo and Kale. They subsequently come to find out that police have discovered a brutally murdered couple with their teeth and nails removed. Cliff and Cydney then encounter war-vet Nick and his girlfriend, Gina, and together the four trek their way towards a popular beach. It will not take them long to realize that both Nick and Gina are a little odd, but before they could decide to separate from them, they find themselves confronted by Kale and Cleo, as well as unknown stalkers.
Synopsis A Perfect Getaway (2009)
Cliff and Cydney are an adventurous young couple celebrating their honeymoon by backpacking to one of the most beautiful, and remote, beaches in Hawaii. Hiking the wild, secluded trails, they believe they've found paradise. But when the pair comes across a group of frightened hikers discussing the horrifying murder of another newlywed couple on the islands, they begin to question whether they should turn back. Unsure whether to stay or flee, Cliff and Cydney join up with two other couples, and things begin to go terrifyingly wrong. Far from civilization or rescue, everyone begins to look like a threat and nobody knows whom to trust. Paradise becomes hell on earth as a brutal battle for survival begins... [D-Man2010]AGAIN D-Man2010, STOP with the brief summaries!!!
This is for a FULL synopsis of a movie. Look up the definition.
The film begins with video footage of a wedding. In the wedding footage, we see the brother putting the groom in a headlock and various friends/family talking to the camera about the newlyweds. After the wedding, newlyweds Cliff (Steve Zahn) and Cydney (Milla Jovovich) are driving in Hawaii on their honeymoon. Cydney videotapes them and notices for the first time a scar under Cliffs chin. He says that his brother hit him when they were younger. They drive to a goods store and buy hiking equipment. While Cliff makes sure they have everything, Cydney says that its been since nine minutes since theyve been apart. If he tells her that he missed her, shell give him a BJ in the car. Cliff is too focused and doesn't say it. He gets their permits to go on the hiking trail and pays for their equipment with a big wad of cash. Employee, Chronic (Anthony Ruivivar) walks into the store and eyes the money. He helps the couple put their things into the jeep and they drive away. As they pull out of the parking lot we see a newspaper on the ground. On the cover is a story about two bodies being found in Honolulu dead.
Cliff and Cydney are shown around an island on a helicopter ride. Cliff has Cydney film him while he fools around in the helicopter. The remote island they are on only has two ways out by hiking or by kayaking. After the helicopter ride, Cliff and Cydney drive around in their rental jeep when they come across Cleo (Marley Shelton) and Kale (Chris Hemsworth) trying to hitch a ride by the side of the road. Cliff decides to stop for them, which Cydney doesn't agree with. Cleo says that they are heading towards a beach about 10 miles down the road. Cliff gets intimidated by Kale, who has the words do not revive tattooed over his heart. Kale starts to put their bags into the jeep when Cliff says that they're heading towards the big trail, not the beach. He says that they should just wait for another car to pass by. Cleo says that they've been trying to hitchhike for an hour. Kale gets angry and starts to unload their bags. Cleo shows Cydney some photos. Cleo and Kale just got married in a grocery store and are on their honeymoon as well. Cliff and Cydney have a change of heart and decide to drive them to the beach. However, Kale rejects them and curses at Cleo to get out of the F***ing jeep. Cliff and Cydney drive off.
They get to the start of the hiking trail and excitedly begin the hike. They get to a narrow ridge in the trail and both are unsure of whether they can make it across. Another hiker, Nick (Timothy Olyphant), shows up and shows them how to get across. Cliff, following Nicks guidance, makes it across fine. Cydney though almost falls to her death when a helicopter suddenly flies by, but Nick grabs her and pulls her to safety. The trio walks together and Nick recognizes Cliff from somewhere but cant place him. Cliff says that hes an aspiring screenwriter. While Nick pees, Cliff mentions that his first work is being made into a movie, but the studio hired another writer to do rewrites. Nick says that he took a writing class once and knows a little about screenplays. He says that "every story needs a red herring". While hiking, they come across a group of girls trying to get their cell phones to work. One of the girls says that when they still had service, her father told her about some murderers being in Oahu and having killed two people already. The victims had their teeth pulled out and their fingerprints removed. The police are looking for a man and a woman as suspects. As it turns out, Cliff and Cydney just came from there before they decided to do the trail. Nick mentions that he was also just there.
The trio continues to hike when Nick decides to break off from them. He says that he just hiked back to get some things that he forgot. Cliff and Cydney discuss whether they should stick with Nick (who is walking back to his camp) or if they should continue. Nick doesn't mind either way. The couple was about to head off on their own when Cliff suddenly has a change of heart after spotting Cleo and Kale on the trail just below them. They come to a waterfall, where Nicks girlfriend Gina (Kiele Sanchez) is lying down on a raft naked. Nick takes off his clothes and joins her in the water. Cliff and Cydney didnt know that Nick had company, and that they apparently dont care about being naked. Nonetheless, Cydney strips down and gets in the water while Cliff goes off on his own to try to find a signal for his cell phone. Cliff finds a signal and uses Google to look up the story about the murderers. It turns out that the killers were unknowingly photographed. Cliff tries to upload the image onto his phone. As the photo just starts to focus, Kale startles him from behind saying, "people die out here every year". Kale is still angry about Cliff turning them down earlier for the ride accusing Cliff of being a liar and says that he hates liars. Cliff says that he offered them a ride afterward so he doesn't know why Kale is so hostile towards him. Cliff thought that they were going to a beach, but Kale says that they decided to take the trail. Cliff thinks that they're following them and gets uncomfortable. Cliff tries to leave, but Kale blocks his way. Nick shows up behind Kale and asks if there is a problem. Cliff brushes past Kale leaving Nick and Kale to glare at one another. Nick grins before he turns to walk away.
They go back down to the waterfall where Cydney and Gina are. Gina asks if she and Nick can tag along with them on the trail, since they're all going to the same place. Cliff and Cydney say yes. As Cliff looks through his bag, he cant find the permits. Cydney says that maybe he left them at the store, but Cliff is sure that he packed them in his bag. He goes off and looks through Cleo & Kales bags for the permits, but doesn't find it. What he does find is a business card for Kales parole officer. Cliff, Cydney, Nick, and Gina continue on the trail and get to know each other better. It turns out that Nick is some type of ex-special forces guy. He says that officially, he cant tell them exactly what he was. Unofficially, he says that hes an American Jedi. While on a mission, he got shot in the head. Doctors were able to save him and put a metal plate in his head. He doesn't mind much, since whenever he goes through a metal detector he can sneak through with a hidden knife, which he keeps strapped to his leg. Gina tells them that Nick is hard to kill. Nick tells Cliff that he should write a screenplay about him. Further on the trail, Cliff gets nervous since there are fewer people the farther they go. He goes off with Cydney to pee and shows her the photo of the killers on his phone. He asks her if the killers look familiar. They turn their attention towards Nick and Gina. Cydney says that the killers could be anybody and tells Cliff that they're fine.
It starts to rain so they decide to set up camp. While the women stay dry under a cover, the men set up tents. Nick easily does this while Cliff struggles. Nick tosses Cliff his hatchet and he catches it. Nick remarks that he has good reflexes. Meanwhile, we see someone walking by their camp unseen by the group. Later on, Cliff comes out of the tent to see Cydney and Gina looking off in the distance. He asks them what theyre looking at, and they tell him whatever Nick is looking at. Nick stares into the forest then turns to come back to the camp. He says that a couple of goats passed by the camp. He makes a bow and arrow and tells Cliff to come help him hunt dinner. Cliff doesn't want to go so Nick teases him so Cliff relents and goes on the hunt armed with the hatchet. Both men venture out in the forest. Cliff asks Nick why they're hunting since he hasn't seen any goats around. Nick comes clean and says that they're not hunting goats. He says that they have a shadow, having seen someone lurking around the camp. He wants to find out who they are. Cliff asks if its Cleo and Kale, but Nick doesn't know. He also mentions that he knows Cliff has thought of him and Gina as the killers. They were there when the murders took place, as were Cliff and Cydney. Cliff says that its a coincidence that they were all there at the same time. Nick doesn't mind that Cliff suspected him and Gina, since its only his screenwriter mind at work. Nick leads Cliff through the forest and has fun with him making him constantly stop and come forward, stop and come forward pretending that danger is nearby. Cliff realizes this and ends the joke. As Nick walks off, Cliff sees a camp nearby. He tries to signal to Nick, but Nick is already long gone.
Back at camp, Cydney talks about what she wants in life and about growing up. There was a guy named Rocky that everyone thought was perfect, and she dated him. However, she saw that there was something else going on with Rocky, something darker that he kept hidden. One day, they went out to a make-out point and things got hot and heavy when suddenly he stopped and turned on the headlights. He made her get out of the truck and led her nearby and showed her that he strangled a Labrador dog and the pantyhose was still around it's neck. Rocky said that if she ever told anyone, he would kill her. Gina is the only person shes ever told. Cydney remarks how its strange how much people talk about themselves to people they just met.
Back to the forest, Cliff moves in closer to the camp he saw. He gets startled by someone. Cliff grabs the person and throws them to the ground, threatening them with the hatchet. It turns out to be Chronic. Cliff really did leave his permits at the store, and Chronic came out there to give it back. The rain clears up, and Cliff goes back to camp. Gina asks him where Nick is, but he doesn't know. Nick arrives, carrying a bloody goat on his shoulders that he killed with his bow and arrow. Gina gets the hatchet from Cliff and takes out a hidden knife from it. She then cuts off its head, guts the goat, and prepares it for dinner. While Gina works, Cliff and Cydney talk in their tent. Cliff says that Nick and Gina have officially graduated to the crazy category. Cydney agrees, and they both want to ditch them. However, they cant just leave due to how remote it is. Since they are two miles away from a beach, Cliff says that they're just going to have to ride it out with Nick and Gina. They're going to keep Nick and Gina happy so that they can all arrive at the beach alive.
The next morning, Cliff wakes up hearing a helicopter flying around. The two couples watch as the helicopter lands nearby. Cliff wants to see whats going on, but Nick holds him back telling him that they should stay out of it. Cliff, Cydney, and Gina go down to the helicopter. A cop keeps them back at a distance. They see that Cleo and Kale are being thrown to the ground and arrested. The authorities believe that they are the killers. As they're being loaded into the helicopter, Kale says that they're innocent. The cops search through their bags and find several teeth inside. It looks like the search for the killers is over. The authorities take off with Cleo and Kale in tow. Cliff, Cydney, and Gina all breathe a sigh of relief since each couple suspected the other as the killers. They go back to camp and pack up everything.
They continue on the trail and finally get to the beach. Cliff has Gina record him and Cydney with their video camera overlooking the beach as a rainbow shines in the background. They go to the beach and Gina ventures out to a waterfall while Nick plays football with the other hikers. Cliff lights up what looks like a butane lamp and sits with Cydney while looking at the ocean. Cliff approaches Nick and tells him that he paid the other hikers forty bucks to rent two kayaks for an hour. He wants Nick to go with him to explore some cave nearby. Nick tells him that he was planning on doing something with Gina, but Cliff goads him into coming along. They take off in the kayaks.
Gina comes back and sees Cydney sitting in the distance on the beach. She yells out and asks where Nick and Cliff are going. Cydney yells back that they'll be back in a little while. Gina finds Cliffs camera and starts to go through his wedding photos. One particular photograph catches her attention and she drops the camera in shock. She runs along the beach screaming for Nick to come back, but he's too far to hear her. She tries to call him, but she doesn't have a signal on her cell. She grabs the hatchet and runs to find higher ground. Cydney finds the camera on the beach and realizes that Gina saw that the bride and groom in the wedding photos were not Cliff and Cydneys. She chases after her. Gina climbs up some vines and continues to run. Cliff and Nick get to the cave and relax. After a little while, Nick realizes that something is wrong. Cliff takes off his glasses and breaks them in his hand. Cliff then pulls a pistol on Nick as he reaches down for his knife.
A series of flashbacks reveal that Cliff and Cydney are the killers. They killed the newlyweds from the wedding video and changed their appearances to look like them. They also removed the teeth and fingers from the bodies so that they couldn't be identified. They learned about their victims from all their friends and family talking about them in the wedding video. Another series of flashbacks focuses on Nick and Gina in Oahu. Gina goes inside a ring store and looks at a group of rings. She tells the cashier that when she leaves, her boyfriend is going to say that he forgot something and go back to the store without her. She wants the cashier to show him what rings she was looking at. Sure enough, as Gina and Nick walk away, Nick says that he forgot his drink and goes back to the ring store. The cashier shows him the rings Gina was looking at. Nick shows the cashier that he already has an engagement ring and was planning on proposing to her while looking at a sunset. He asks the cashier for her advice. If Gina would be happy with his ring, hell give it to her. If she'll be happier with one of the rings she was looking at, hell buy one for her. The cashier says that Gina will be happy with any ring he presents her. Flashback to earlier, Cliff planted the teeth in Kale and Cleos bags to frame them. When he encountered Chronic in the forest, he told them that he suspected Kale and Cleo were the killers, which led the authorities to arrest them. Cliff is really Rocky from Cydneys story. When they were on the beach, Cliff (Rocky) told her not to mess up their arrangement. Cydney loves him, but he doesn't feel the same way. They then smoked meth before Cliff (Rocky) approached Nick about kayaking. Cliff (Rocky) and Cydney planned on killing Nick and Gina, then stealing their identities.
Gina winds up on the top of the cave and sees Nick & Rocky below. Rocky shoots Nick in the head, causing him to fall out of the kayak. Gina screams, which gives her away. Rocky shoots at her but misses. Cydney shows up with a knife and fights Gina, who fends her off with the hatchet. The weapons are knocked away and Cydney smashes Ginas head against a rock. She then kicks her in the stomach and grabs the knife. Gina stands up, weakened, and grabs the hatchet. Cydney charges at her, but Gina flips Cydney over, causing her to fall down into the cave (where she lands in the water). As Cydney fell she stabbed Gina in the leg. Gina threw the hatchet into the cave, almost hitting Rocky in the kayak below. Gina pulls the knife out of her leg and goes to get help. She tries to make a phone call but there is no signal. Moments later as she is peering over the cliff her phone rings and it's from a telemarketer in India trying to sell her a new wireless plan. Desperate, Gina tries to tell him (Woody) that shes in danger, but he wont listen. She then hears a walkie-talkie nearby. Cydney, in a kayak in the water, is telling Rocky where Gina is. Rocky suddenly climbs up and grabs Gina. She kicks him away and he fires the gun at her, shooting her in the hand. While he tries to reach the top of the cliff, Gina stabs him through the hand. Rocky rips the knife out and tells Cydney to get to the beach. He then chases after Gina through the forest.
Meanwhile, Nick wakes up in the cave. The back of his head is open, and we see that the metal plate saved his life. He ties his head wound shut with a bandanna, retrieves the hatchet nearby, and goes to save his girl. Gina gets to the vines and climbs down. She runs into a group of guys who are looking for their stolen kayaks. She says that Rocky attacked her, and one of the guys happens to be an EMT. He wants her to calm down so that he can look at her wounds, but she tries to run away. The men hold her down and keep her from running. Rocky climbs down and acts innocent. He says that Gina is a meth addict and is delusional. The EMT says that its strange that Gina is supposedly high, since her pupils are fine, whereas Rocky's are as big as olives. His cover blown, Rocky shoots and kills all the guys. Suddenly Nick comes to the vines and jumps down, attacking Rocky. Nick is shot in the side while Nick has sliced halfway through Rocky's hand.
Meanwhile, Cydney gets to the beach. She hesitates at first, but flags down a helicopter.
Rocky, both hands wounded, sees that the gun is nearby. He manages to grab it while Nick grabs a knife. Rocky tries to shoot him but misses due to not being able to properly hold the gun. Nick grabs the gun and holds it to Rocky's throat. Rocky laughs when the helicopter arrives and the authorities order Nick to drop his weapon. Rocky says that if Nick kills him, the cops will kill Nick. If Rocky gets arrested, he'll act like the victim and beat the system. He promises that a year from now, Nick will run into him again only he won't look like how he does now. He'll look a lot like Nick. Just as the sniper is about to shoot, Gina appears in his line of vision and drags Nick away from Rocky. Nick drops the weapon and stands down. Gina kicks Rocky in the face and up in the helicopter Cydney informs the cops that the killer is Rocky. She points out that he's going for the gun while Nick and Gina have their backs to him and this time the sniper has a clear shot and shoots Rocky in the forehead, blowing his brains out.
Nick and Gina are loaded in a helicopter to get medical attention. He's strapped to a stretcher while she sits nearby. The sunset in the background, he pulls out the engagement ring and proposes to Gina. She asks him how long he's had the ring. He says that its been a year and a half. She scolds him, asking him what took him so long. He says that he was just waiting for the right time. She gladly accepts and they kiss. At the exact same time they tell each other that they don't need no honeymoon.
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